ONE Neighborhood Builders is proud to partner with the City of Providence in supporting families and individuals trying to get back on their feet. The program will provide 110 eligible households with $500 a month in supplemental income for one year. The program is intended to serve as a tool for racial and gender equity.
Who’s eligible? Providence residents with incomes below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level are encouraged to apply. An outside entity will select participants through a lottery.
When can I apply? Applications may be submitted through Saturday, August 21. The first payments are expected to go out in October.
Where can I get an application? Paper applications are available at ONE Neighborhood Builders (66 Chaffee Street in Providence) Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or other agencies in the City.
What if I need help filling out the application? Ten agencies have partnered with the City to help people complete the applications. For details, visit the City’s website.
The program is unconditional, with no strings attached and no work or education requirements. Before enrolling, participants will meet with a Benefits Specialist, who will help them weigh the pros and cons of participating and explain how it may impact other benefits, such as housing vouchers and SNAP. Funds will be available to participants if they do experience an unanticipated economic loss from participation in this program.
Program details are available in multiple languages online: