Nine Neighborhood Fund

How would you invest $1,000,000 to improve health and well-being in 02908 and 02909?

Participatory budgeting is a democratic process in which community members directly decide how to spend part of a public budget. It’s a tool to empower everyone to make decisions about how funds should be spent in our communities.

The Nine Neighborhood Fund is a participatory budgeting process in which community members directly decide how to allocate a pot of money. The goals are to improve community health & well-being, and build more civic engagement in 02908 & 02909. Together, we can make real decisions about real money to improve our neighborhoods!

Thank you for voting in the Nine Neighborhood Fund participatory budgeting election! With nearly 1,200 votes cast, see the winnings projects here.  

For updates on project implementation text PBCentralPVD to 401-291-6788.  

Learn more about the Nine Neighborhood Fund and other participatory budgeting efforts across the state:

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