The Providence Journal: O medo impede o RI de construir mais habitações, diz o promotor. Eis como.

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By Wheeler Cowperthwaite Published on May 7, 2024 As the state faces a crushing housing crisis, Providence has the steepest rent increases in the country and the price of a single-family home is up 50% since the onset of the pandemic, why is there fierce opposition to new housing in Rhode Island? Fear. That was the answer Boston real estate developer Adelaide Grady gave during a real estate symposium put on by Roger Williams University last week. Grady is leading a 2,699-unit mixed-income housing project in Boston called Bunker Hill. Underneath the normal objections – density, wastewater, short-term rentals, traffic – there is the true problem. […] One Neighborhood…

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ONE Neighborhood Builders acolhe as Fresh Fridays sobre conservação de terras e habitação

Por Sextas-feiras frescas, As nossas Histórias e Vozes

ONE Neighborhood Builders is hosting a virtual event and panel discussion on best practices to balance different land uses as we strive to make our communities more livable on Friday, May 10, at 8:45 a.m. The event is a part of ONE Neighborhood Builders’ Fresh Fridays series, a monthly gathering for practitioners, community members, and policymakers interested in community development. This month’s Fresh Friday will feature practitioners from land conservation, public lands, and housing organizations in a discussion that will explore tools and strategies that allow communities to move toward “having it all”—conserving land and open space, preserving farms, developing…

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ONE Neighborhood Builders comemora a conclusão do empreendimento Riverside Square

Por Destaque - Comunicados de imprensa, As nossas Histórias e Vozes

A cerimónia contou com mais de 80 participantes num belo dia de sol para celebrar a revitalização de uma propriedade há muito desocupada e ambientalmente degradada, adjacente à ciclovia de East Bay, conhecida como o "antigo local da Vamco". O empreendimento traz à comunidade de Riverside 16 novos apartamentos de aluguer a preços acessíveis para agregados familiares com rendimentos extremamente baixos a moderados.

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ABC6: Jogadores dos Patriots ajudam ex-crianças de acolhimento a mudarem-se para os seus primeiros apartamentos

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May 1, 2024 by Ian Steele EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WLNE) — A group of New England Patriots were in Riverside Wednesday to help a group of young adults aging out of foster care to move into their first apartments. The Patriots Foundation alongside Foster Forward, One Neighborhood Builders, and Bob’s Discount Furniture teamed up for the event as part of the first day of Foster Care Awareness month. Quarterback Jacoby Brissett was there to help the former foster adults move into new, fully furnished buildings.   Read/watch the full story on, here.

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NBC10: Cerimónia de corte da fita para novas habitações a preços acessíveis em East Providence

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by NBC10 News Friday, April 26 EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. (WJAR) — A ribbon cutting was held in East Providence Friday morning for the newly-constructed Residences at Riverside Square. The 16 new affordable apartments will be available for extremely low to moderate-income households. Three of the apartments are reserved for youth aging out of foster care. “This project not only provides options for our residents but it is a unique project in that it reserves 3 units for children aging out of foster care. It is a cause that is not only near and dear to me, but brings me great pride…

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Anusha Venkataraman, a nova directora administrativa do CPO-HEZ, falou sobre a importância das organizações comunitárias e da arte no desenvolvimento comunitário e no envolvimento cívico. Falou no evento de lançamento do Roteiro a 27 de Março de 2023. Foto de Stephen Ide/ONE|NB

PBN: O futuro das zonas de equidade na saúde de R.I. não é claro devido ao défice de financiamento

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By Katie Castellani-04/26/2024 In 2015, Rhode Island pioneered the Health Equity Zone Initiative, a community-focused program meant to help fill gaps in health care. But now the initiative’s future is hazy as it’s facing a funding gap. The initiative is facilitated by the R.I. Department of Health, with the support of the R.I. Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and has expanded to include 15 health equity zones throughout the state. Each zone represents a different geographic area and is anchored by a backbone organization that serves as an administrative hub. Health equity zones are tasked with identifying their community’s…

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Jornal de Providence: O presidente da câmara de East Providence e o conselho dividem-se sobre a redução de impostos para um projeto de habitação a preços acessíveis

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A construção de 144 unidades de habitação com rendimentos limitados em East Providence não receberá qualquer ajuda da cidade, depois de três dos cinco membros do Conselho Municipal terem declarado que a redução fiscal de $40.000 por ano era demasiado elevada para a cidade suportar.

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