March 9, 2020 On Thursday, March 5, TD Charitable Foundation announced that ONE Neighborhood Builders of Providence, RI, was awarded a grant of $125,000 in support of its work around affordable housing, making it the only organization in Rhode Island to receive this funding.

“ONE Neighborhood Builders is deeply grateful to TD Charitable Foundation for its support of our work to improve home, health, and safety for our neighbors,” said Jennifer Hawkins, executive director, ONE Neighborhood Builders.

In total, TD Charitable Foundation, the charitable giving arm of TD Bank, awarded 30 affordable housing development organizations from Maine to Florida a total of $3.75 million through its Housing for Everyone grant competition.

This year’s competition focused on organizations working to refurbish existing housing properties to create affordable rental units. The 30 grants of $125,000 each will fund programs from organizations that provide safe, clean, physically accessible affordable rental units for families, individuals, the elderly, new Americans, veterans, people with disabilities, women, and youth.

Providence-based community developer ONE Neighborhood Builders will use the funds to rehabilitate a cluster of boarded and vacant properties on Delaine Street in Providence. What was once a magnet for dumping will now be transformed into eight new units of affordable housing for extremely low and low-income families. The boarded properties are adjacent to Dr. Day Care childcare program and Nowell Academy, an alternative high school. Re-developing these at-risk properties will stabilize the street, increase health and safety measures, and bring positive activity and reclaimed assets to the neighborhood.

The Housing for Everyone grant competition is aligned with the TD Ready Commitment, TD Bank’s corporate citizenship program, aimed at promoting inclusivity, economic vitality, environmental well-being and health, enabling people of all backgrounds to succeed in a rapidly changing world helping. As part of the TD Ready Commitment, TD targets $775 million (USD) in total by 2030 toward community giving in four areas critical to building an inclusive tomorrow: financial security, a more vibrant planet, connected communities, and better health.

ONE Neighborhood Builders promotes equity, public health, and community safety through strategic real estate development and community-strengthening activities. The organization’s current projects include King Street Commons, a new development of 30 affordable housing units and four childcare classrooms; Manton Live/Work Townhomes, four for-purchase multifamily, mixed-use properties; and Sheridan Small Homes, a condominium community of five affordable, solar-powered, net-zero, single family homes.  To learn more or to get involved, visit