Plans call for the former St. Patrick Church on Broad Street to be converted into affordable units. Breeze photo by Ethan Shorey

CUMBERLAND – A joint meeting next week will focus on what could be, with the redevelopment of the former St. Patrick Church at 301 Broad St.

Director of Planning and Community Development Jonathan Stevens updated officials last week on the plans, saying the Planning Board and Conservation Commission will meet jointly on April 12 for a pre-application meeting on the proposed development.

The proposal, said Stevens, is for the adaptive reuse of the site to build affordable housing, including some units within the maintained church structure on some built new on the remainder of the site.

The nonprofit developer ONE Neighborhood Builders signed a purchase and sale agreement with the Diocese of Providence to acquire the church and is preparing plans for adaptive reuse of the church building for affordable town-house apartments and the rest of the property for additional affordable housing.